
If you are looking to apply to slumber party please be sure to read before submitting your application. Exceptional players are encouraged to apply, regardless of our current openings. We are opening our doors on recruitment. Additionally we are recruiting hardcore Mythic Plus players and PvP players. Still use the application form and state if you are wanting to join specifically for something outside of Mythic raiding.


Antorus CE US 292

Uldir CE US 479

BoD CE US 401

EP CE US 292

Ny’alotha CE US 459

Nathria CE US 468

SoD CE US 350

Sepulcher CE US 191 

Aberrus CE US 170

Amirdrassil CE US 366

Nerub-ar Palace CE US 397

Main Raid times (EST)

Tuesday 8:00pm EST Optional Heroic
Wednesday 8:00pm EST 11:30pm EST
Thursday 8:00pm EST 11:30pm EST

About Slumber Party

Our objective is to achieve cutting edge each tier while efficiently raiding only two days per week. The guild is composed of a variety of players from all walks of life who place a premium on respect, diligence and most importantly a good attitude. We offer a competitive and friendly raiding atmosphere with many active guild members that are eager to help one another achieve their goals whether it’s PvP, mythic plus, pet battles or joking around in discord over drinks.

There is usually someone around that would love to enjoy that content with you! Most of all – we truly enjoy progression raiding and working as a team to slay internet dragons and plan to continue doing so for a very long time.

If you would like more information or have any questions please reach out to an officer.

You should join if



We do not recruit for bench; If we accept your application then we believe there is a spot that you can earn. The best player gets a core spot regardless of seniority. Trials are brought in to see how well they can mesh with the raid and how you can perform in a raid. After 3 weeks of trialing we will meet with you to give you an update on whether we will continue the trial or not and whether you are happy with being apart of the guild.

Applications are handled through our website, and when you submit your application a message is sent to our discord with your information. We’ll ask questions and follow up with you through it. Put in time and effort on your application, it’s our first (and often only) impression of you. Make it count.


Contact: Discord

Tradge Tradge Guild Master
Obliviously queen.kaiju

Recruitment Officer

Lucchi .lucchi Officer
Fairlight fairlightt Officer
